Mmmmm ~ summer has arrived! A week ago, our apple trees barely had white buds on the tips of the winter-bare branches... By Memorial Day, not ony had the leaves sprouted but the large tree was snowy-white with apple blossoms!
This is my absolute favorite time of the year -- when spring turns into summer and the air is warm and sweet with the scent of new life... The birds return to the north and their music fills our yard in the wee hours of the morning... The blue sky is deeper, the white clouds are brighter, the warm caress of the sun's rays is more enticing and in my joy and delight my heart yearns to physically embrace the radiance of the season.

When I think about Heaven - as I often do - I imagine it to be perpetually summer -- Lush and green, bright and colorful, warm and sweetly scented... Maybe that's why I love this season so much - because it reminds me of Home. And when I'm there, I really will be able to reach out and wrap my arms around it -- because my Jesus will be right there with me...
LiC ~ kim