The Holy Spirit revealed to me this morning that I have "possessiveness issues." Not a happy discovery, but I'm thankful He is holding me accountable. I must say that I was somewhat taken aback when He brought this to my attention.
It came about last night when Rog told me he wanted to borrow my car today in order to drive folks to the voting polls, who might otherwise be unable to go. Normally, I really don't have a problem with other people using our stuff when necessary and will even offer things up myself when I sense a need.
When Rog shared this information with me, however, I instantly became demanding and basically commanded, "Fine! But you cannot..." and proceeded to list a number of restrictions on whom he would and would not be able to transport - no smokers, no children, no food in the car, etc. Shameful behavior, I agree, but at the time I felt like a mother bear trying to protect her cub. Why? Because my car is new-to-me (we've only had it for about 6 weeks) and it is the "youngest" vehicle we've ever owned (4 years old) and in immaculate condition. So I was possessive.
What surprised me most, was the vehemence of my attitude -- I could have said basically the same things, but in a much calmer and more respectful tone. Instead, I lashed out. Not good. Roger, bless him, remained agreeable and seemed to sense that my foul mood would quickly blow over. Which it did, about 15 minutes later. I still felt the same, but I was very sorry for lashing out and said so to my Husband. Rog has a kind and compassionate heart for others -- this is one of the qualities that drew me to him 15 years ago and one of the things I still love about him today. I'm sure my attitude was a disappointment to him, but to his credit, he didn't argue back or take on an ugly mood himself. Just remained calm in the midst of my storm.
It was much later - this morning, in fact - that the Holy Spirit spoke to me about last night's blowup...
"Remember one of the things (pastor) Tim spoke about in his message on Sunday? About how none of you "own" anything because it all belongs to Me? I have appointed you steward of many things, Daughter, but you are only a caretaker of them - not the owner and possessor. The Blazer is one of those things. It doesn't belong to you, but I have placed it in your care. For now. Since it actually belongs to Me, don't you think I should use it as I see fit? If I choose to use this vehicle to help others, it is not your place to refuse. I do not bestow blessings for you to keep them to yourself, but to share with others. When I make you a steward over a large home or a newer, dependable vehicle, it's not so you can 'possess' these things and hoarde them for yourself, but rather they are meant to be shared and used for My glory and to benefit others in need. Remember this, Daughter. It is my great pleasure to bless you with things that bring you great pleasure -- but only so you can share them with others and show them My love. Remember the title of Tim's message - Blessed to be a Blessing."
Okay, Lord. Message received. I shared all this with Rog this morning as we were driving to the polls. He didn't make any comment, but I'm sure he was thinking - "It's about time!" As it turned out, Rog wasn't needed after all to drive anyone around today. Apparently, his services would have been needed if the weather had been bad - too cold or too snowy - but we've had clear skies for the last several days and today was no different. Knowing that made me feel worse, rather than better. I had made a fool of myself for no reason. But isn't that the way it usually happens?
LiC - kim
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Two or three times a year, a great and powerful longing comes over me to get away by myself to a place of nature and solitude. A place where I may do nothing more than sit quietly in the shade of a big tree that overlooks the ocean and listen to the sounds of nature. A place where I may nestle securely in the Father’s arms, rest my head upon His shoulder and revel in the peace and serenity I find there.
Today is such a day.
There is nothing unusual about this day – not a lot going on. In fact, my Husband is still sleeping and no one else is in the house. No TV or music blaring. No heavy traffic outside my window. No neighbors mowing the lawn on this bright Sunday morning.
But I was just outside with Cully a few minutes ago and the birds were singing, the sun was shining and the air was warm and sweet with the promise of a lovely summer’s day in Alaska. Every sense in my body was engaged in the splendor and beauty of GOD. If it were possible I would sit in my tranquil little spot under the tree and soak it all in.
The sounds. The scents. The flavor. The warmth.
The beauty.
Today is such a day.
There is nothing unusual about this day – not a lot going on. In fact, my Husband is still sleeping and no one else is in the house. No TV or music blaring. No heavy traffic outside my window. No neighbors mowing the lawn on this bright Sunday morning.
But I was just outside with Cully a few minutes ago and the birds were singing, the sun was shining and the air was warm and sweet with the promise of a lovely summer’s day in Alaska. Every sense in my body was engaged in the splendor and beauty of GOD. If it were possible I would sit in my tranquil little spot under the tree and soak it all in.
The sounds. The scents. The flavor. The warmth.
The beauty.
O Lord, how manifold are Thy works!
In wisdom hast Thou made them all:
the earth is full of Thy riches!
Psalm 104:24
Thursday, June 01, 2006

Mmmmm ~ summer has arrived! A week ago, our apple trees barely had white buds on the tips of the winter-bare branches... By Memorial Day, not ony had the leaves sprouted but the large tree was snowy-white with apple blossoms!
This is my absolute favorite time of the year -- when spring turns into summer and the air is warm and sweet with the scent of new life... The birds return to the north and their music fills our yard in the wee hours of the morning... The blue sky is deeper, the white clouds are brighter, the warm caress of the sun's rays is more enticing and in my joy and delight my heart yearns to physically embrace the radiance of the season.

When I think about Heaven - as I often do - I imagine it to be perpetually summer -- Lush and green, bright and colorful, warm and sweetly scented... Maybe that's why I love this season so much - because it reminds me of Home. And when I'm there, I really will be able to reach out and wrap my arms around it -- because my Jesus will be right there with me...
LiC ~ kim
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Love Letter to JESUS

Lord, I love You so very much... Your mercy and love for me - and for mankind - is amazing... Your heart is so deep and full of goodness and mercy -- the things You've given us are filled with Your glory... The mountains, the sea -- the sunsets and sunrises -- the thunderstorms and the rainbows -- music and laughter -- animals to love and care for -- our mates and our children -- family and friends... Best of all, Lord - You have saved me from an eternity without You. Just my existance is a miracle. You chose me to be born! Is it any wonder why I love You? You chased me until I caught You...
Thank You, Lord - for Your love, for Your salvation, for my life...
Daughter - come sit here on My lap and let Me hold you close... you are My treasure and the apple of My eye... My heart lept for joy when you found Me and answered My call... As you dig deeper into My Word and seek a richer relationship with Me, it blesses My heart and fills Me with love... Do not keep yourself closed off from Me, Child - all I have is yours - ever so much more than you can imagine. I want to give you everything - but you need to be open enough to receive it...
Psalm 121

I will lift up my eyes to the mountains;
from whence shall my help come?
My help comes from the LORD,
Who made Heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to slip;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade on your right hand.
The sun will not smite you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The LORD will protect you from all evil;
He will keep your soul.
The LORD will guard your going out
and your coming in
from this time forth and forever.
Psalm 121 NASB
May your day be blessed and the Joy of the LORD fill your heart with gladness!
LiC - kim
from whence shall my help come?
My help comes from the LORD,
Who made Heaven and earth.
He will not allow your foot to slip;
He who keeps you will not slumber.
Behold, He who keeps Israel
will neither slumber nor sleep.
The LORD is your keeper;
The LORD is your shade on your right hand.
The sun will not smite you by day,
nor the moon by night.
The LORD will protect you from all evil;
He will keep your soul.
The LORD will guard your going out
and your coming in
from this time forth and forever.
Psalm 121 NASB
May your day be blessed and the Joy of the LORD fill your heart with gladness!
LiC - kim
Monday, April 17, 2006
Rivers of Living Water

At church yesterday, someone had a word from the Lord in relation to the stone that was rolled away from Christ's tomb: Just as the Light and Power was released from the tomb upon the removal of the stone, so must we roll away the stone that covers our heart and release the Light and Power of the Holy Spirit to come forth. Shortly after hearing this, the Lord gave me an impression.
I see a small bubbling brook, water flowing down over the rocks and boulders. The water is clean and clear and sweet - my viewpoint is that of a mouse -- eye level with the ground, almost. I look up and the tall, tall pines, towering above me -- mighty and strong and pointing to His glory. As I observe the brook, I hear the Spirit say, "Let My Living Water roll those stones away... the boulders that cover your heart as Marita spoke of will be washed away by the Water... there will be a loosening - there will be a trembling, as the rock becomes dislogded from its anchor... the smaller stones will move away easily, but the larger ones will only be moved by a rushing river... Free yourself up, Child - don't let the old man, the old habits, become the sludge that prevents the stones from moving... let the force of My Living Water dislodge, wash over and roll it away..."
On that last day, that great day of the feast, JESUS stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his innermost being will flow rivers of Living Water." ...this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believeing in Him would receive..." John 7:37-39a
LiC ~ kim
Thursday, April 13, 2006
All I Need is YOU...

During worship, the song, "All I Need is You" was being sung -- prior to this refrain, my thoughts were fixed on Heaven and life in Eternity... My imagination was wandering around, contemplating the photo opps I might have at that time... This thought led me to scrapbooking... Then, the friends I will reunite with and the new friends I'd make...
"All I need is You, Lord..." penetrated my thoughts and in my heart, a Voice quietly asked, "If all Heaven contained was ME - nothing and no one else - would you still be joyful and content? Will the things and the people and activities be the center of your focus...or will it be ME? Remember where your joy and contement come from, Child... Not from things, nor from others... But from GOD alone. Learn this now, Child, and eternity will be greater than you can possibly imagine... I love you."
Worship service - Sunday, April 9, 2006

Rejoice, rejoice and again I say, rejoice... The heavens are bright with the radience of the King and His love for you... And all of Heaven itself is in eager anticipation for the marriage supper of the Lamb... The waiting is nearly over - do not walk in discouragement and despair, but in joy and hope... See the glory that comes down from above and reach out to Me...
God's word spoken to me during worship - Sunday, March 5, 2006

And I see and hear the word, "Glory" -- Glory, glory, glory... Rejoice, My children, for the time is near... The Bridegroom will soon be on His way - even now, He is beginning His journey to come unto to you and be united with His bride... Be ye joyful, therefore, and redeem the time... As a bride makes her final alterations and puts on her finishing touches, so must you make your final preparations - prepare to welcome your King, for the time is near... Lift your face to the Son and be washed in His brightness - fill your heart with joy and hope... Your Bridegroom, the King, will not wait one minute longer than is necessary, so do not tarry in your preparations...
God's spoken word to me during worhsip -- Sunday, March 5, 2006
Song of Solomon
The Time Machine
Twice this week I have taken a short jaunt in the time machine...
On Monday, I was in Anchorage, driving west on Northern Lights Blvd on the way to my Dad's place. Three or four car lengths in front of me, a young couple quickly crossed the road. I looked their way as I passed by and realized they were perhaps 14 or 15 years old. Right at that moment, the time machine raced me back in time to 1973. I was walking home from high school - alone and with others - right at that very spot on Northern Lights Blvd. The west side of Anchorage - Spenard, Turnagain, Earthquake Park - is where I grew up and where my father still resides. Instantly, my mind was filled with images - memories - of the music, the kids, the teachers, my family. There was no post office there 23 years ago. Carrs Aurora Villiage was there, but what used to be the Pay 'n Pak hardware store is now a gym. An empty lot, surrounded by a chain-link fence that appears to be protecting gravel, weeds and litter, is all that remains of the local Dairy Queen, which was one of our many after-school hangouts. Shakey's Pizza Parlor is now a barber shop. Some things have changed, but others are still the same. I could see that young couple - holding hands and talking about the important things in their world...but my friends, Gretchen, John, Bin and Pat were only fond images in my mind. I gave a sigh - and the time machine brought me back to April 10, 2006, and I continued on my way to Dad's.
Then tonight, as I was in the kitchen cooking Rog's dinner, I popped in a CD that my oldest son Chris had given to me for Christmas. It was a compilation of songs from the 1980s that he had burned himself. Oh. My. Gosh. I was bopping along to Tears for Fears and Madonna and Cyndi Lauper...
if you're lost you can look--and you will find me time after time
if you fall I will catch you--I'll be waiting time after time...
This time, that faithful old time machine whisked me to Glen Caren Trailer Court, space #240. We lived there for six years - from June 1981 to June 1987. My three youngest children were born while we lived in that trailer. As I moved to the music in my Eagle River kitchen, in my mind's eye I could see the kids playing in the livingroom... I could see the old Atari game system - Pac Man, Pitfall, Donkey Kong... I could see Chris and Jamie playing with their He Man toys and Jenny with her Cabbage Patch doll and little Matthew, racing around in his walker... Overwhelming love for my kids flowed through me - and the bitter taste of sadness and disappointment in my marriage. The mixture of joy and hopelessness wrapped itself around me while I continued to stir-fry the vegetables. Then I sighed. Roggie's dinner was done and the time machine dropped me off right back in my kitchen.
I think I am a little more sensitive to the lure of the time machine right now because tomorrow - April 13 - my first-born baby turns 30. YIKES!! How can I have a child that old when, inside my brain, I'm still 25?? I like these short trips in the time machine. Sometimes I wish they'd last a little longer, but one lesson I've been hearing over and over lately is, "The Past is a nice place to visit - but you wouldn't want to live there." As much as I enjoy visiting, I want to keep moving forward, steadily and surely. I want to enter in to all that GOD has for me. As great as parts of my past were - they can't begin to compare to is up ahead!
LiC ~
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Lay Me Down in Peace...
Saturday, April 01, 2006
A Forgotten Memory...
Came across this e-mail post that I wrote about 18 months ago. I'd forgotten all about it, but after re-reading it, realized that it was meant to be shared...
Oh my gosh...I just spent the last hour or two just communing with the Lord - what an absolute blessing! My heart is full and my spirit is so relaxed and at peace... Stefra was (is) downstairs, but I was alone upstairs for about half the time...I had put on my new WOW cd I bought today and "my song" - Amazing Grace by Todd Agnew - came on...of course, I had to dance to it ... The only lights on were the sink light in the kitchen and the desk lamp - I lit a candle on the coffee table and put on "Ride the Wind" by Jonathan Meracle -- and after dancing to 2 of his songs, I put on "Soaking" by Todd Bentley and laid down on the couch -- I don't recall how far into the cd I was - maybe in the 2nd track? - when I felt weight of the Holy Spirit - finally ... Rog came home about then and I knew for sure the Spirit was upon me, because I couldn't move for anything -- and the assorted noises Rog was making at the desk didn't distract me, even though I could plainly hear them. And here's a "GOD-thing" - although the volume of the stereo was up rather high, Rog didn't ask me to turn it down...and...even though he was watching tv at the desk, he kept his volume down low...he didn't ask what I was doing or how long I was going to be or say anything negative! It was so God and such a blessing...he let me lie there on the couch, soaking up the Holy Spirit...Thank You Lord, for my precious and beloved Husband.
Okay - so here are some things I experienced during my soaking time... During one of the tracks, I was flying with the Lord over the earth. Todd Bentley was speaking about hiding under the shadow of His wings (seeking protection), but here I was - grinning and giggling at times -- I guess you could say I felt giddy ! -- and I was flying under His wing (His right wing) - soaring over mountains and deserts and rivers...the music is what made me take flight -- and I was filled with an incredible joy and wonder...I could feel my body weighted down on the couch, but inside I felt light and free -- exhilarated.. Another time, I was dancing before the throne - at first, I saw myself in my glorified body (slender and graceful) - but then I saw myself as I really am - 300 lbs and big and clunky -- awkward -- this picture (and the words) ran through my mind and I felt the Lord saying, "See yourself as I see you...not big and awkward, but full of beauty - full of My Spirit. You are beautiful and graceful and My heart is full of love and joy when you dance for Me..."
During another track, Todd Bentley was speaking about unveiling and looking in a mirror -- being changed from glory to glory -- and I saw it happening -- the room or area was vast and bathed in golden light - there was a filmy veil over a mirror - the veil was pulled off and I saw myself ...but I was looking at first, it seemed as though Jesus looked identical to me - but then the vision changed and I realized that I was looking into a mirror, but it was His face looking back at me -- His image was reflected in the mirror when I looked at it because He is in me - and it is His character that is visible. Wow, again.
Sonna said something at prayer today that describes how I'm feeling right now -- totally relaxed -- like after getting out of a shower or a hot body is relaxed and my mind and spirit are relaxed as well - not in a limp and exhausted way, but in a peaceful, refreshed way. Thanks Lord - I needed that ! Seriously, Father -- I really needed that special time with You and I'm thankful we had that time together. I love You so much - In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray - Amen.
**Side note to Cheryl - remember when you told me that it was okay to cry; for me not to bottle up my feelings? After I wrote the journal entry in my notebook, I picked up the "His Princess" book and asked Him to speak to me. I opened the book at random (in a section I hadn't even read yet) and the passage was, "It's Okay to Cry." The accompanying scripture verse was Psalm 126:3 - Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. Pretty cool, huh ?!
LiC ~
Oh my gosh...I just spent the last hour or two just communing with the Lord - what an absolute blessing! My heart is full and my spirit is so relaxed and at peace... Stefra was (is) downstairs, but I was alone upstairs for about half the time...I had put on my new WOW cd I bought today and "my song" - Amazing Grace by Todd Agnew - came on...of course, I had to dance to it ... The only lights on were the sink light in the kitchen and the desk lamp - I lit a candle on the coffee table and put on "Ride the Wind" by Jonathan Meracle -- and after dancing to 2 of his songs, I put on "Soaking" by Todd Bentley and laid down on the couch -- I don't recall how far into the cd I was - maybe in the 2nd track? - when I felt weight of the Holy Spirit - finally ... Rog came home about then and I knew for sure the Spirit was upon me, because I couldn't move for anything -- and the assorted noises Rog was making at the desk didn't distract me, even though I could plainly hear them. And here's a "GOD-thing" - although the volume of the stereo was up rather high, Rog didn't ask me to turn it down...and...even though he was watching tv at the desk, he kept his volume down low...he didn't ask what I was doing or how long I was going to be or say anything negative! It was so God and such a blessing...he let me lie there on the couch, soaking up the Holy Spirit...Thank You Lord, for my precious and beloved Husband.
Okay - so here are some things I experienced during my soaking time... During one of the tracks, I was flying with the Lord over the earth. Todd Bentley was speaking about hiding under the shadow of His wings (seeking protection), but here I was - grinning and giggling at times -- I guess you could say I felt giddy ! -- and I was flying under His wing (His right wing) - soaring over mountains and deserts and rivers...the music is what made me take flight -- and I was filled with an incredible joy and wonder...I could feel my body weighted down on the couch, but inside I felt light and free -- exhilarated.. Another time, I was dancing before the throne - at first, I saw myself in my glorified body (slender and graceful) - but then I saw myself as I really am - 300 lbs and big and clunky -- awkward -- this picture (and the words) ran through my mind and I felt the Lord saying, "See yourself as I see you...not big and awkward, but full of beauty - full of My Spirit. You are beautiful and graceful and My heart is full of love and joy when you dance for Me..."
During another track, Todd Bentley was speaking about unveiling and looking in a mirror -- being changed from glory to glory -- and I saw it happening -- the room or area was vast and bathed in golden light - there was a filmy veil over a mirror - the veil was pulled off and I saw myself ...but I was looking at first, it seemed as though Jesus looked identical to me - but then the vision changed and I realized that I was looking into a mirror, but it was His face looking back at me -- His image was reflected in the mirror when I looked at it because He is in me - and it is His character that is visible. Wow, again.
Sonna said something at prayer today that describes how I'm feeling right now -- totally relaxed -- like after getting out of a shower or a hot body is relaxed and my mind and spirit are relaxed as well - not in a limp and exhausted way, but in a peaceful, refreshed way. Thanks Lord - I needed that ! Seriously, Father -- I really needed that special time with You and I'm thankful we had that time together. I love You so much - In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ I pray - Amen.
**Side note to Cheryl - remember when you told me that it was okay to cry; for me not to bottle up my feelings? After I wrote the journal entry in my notebook, I picked up the "His Princess" book and asked Him to speak to me. I opened the book at random (in a section I hadn't even read yet) and the passage was, "It's Okay to Cry." The accompanying scripture verse was Psalm 126:3 - Those who sow in tears will reap with songs of joy. Pretty cool, huh ?!
LiC ~
Christian version of the "Get to Know Me" Game
*How long have you been a Christian? I have believed in Him since I was a child, but invited Him into my heart and was baptized in water and in the Holy Spirit nearly 22 years ago (April 19, 1984)
*What's your preference...hymns or modern worship music? There are certain hymns that I adore (How Great Thou Art, Amazing Grace, etc), but as a steady diet, the current praise & worship and contemporary Christian music is what I prefer best.
*Favorite Christian artists? Many of them: Newsboys. Chris Tomlin, Jeremy Camp, Matthew West, Mercy Me, Third Day, Casting Crowns, Todd Agnew, Nichole Nordeman, Natalie many others.
*List your top 5 favorite songs. How Great is Our GOD (Chris Tomlin); Grace Like Rain (Todd Agnew); More (Matthew West); I Can Only Imagine (Mercy Me); It Is You (Newsboys)
*What's the hardest lesson God has taught you? Apart from Him, I am nothing (I'm actually very thankful about that, but there are times when I *forget* and try to handle life my own way...)
*Who has been your greatest Christian mentor? My Gramma Mary; my Sisters-in-Christ
*List a quality of your mentor that you'd most like to emulate... Well, Christ-like characteristics, of course -- peace, patience, kindness, unconditional love, humility, graciousness; a meek & quiet spirit; diligence in intercessory prayer
*Favorite Christian authors? Fiction: Angela Hunt, Lori Wick, Francine Rivers, Janette Oke, Frank Peretti, Randy Alcorn, many others. Non-fiction: James Dobson, Gary Smalley, Chuck Pierce, Patricia King, Brad Jursak, Wesley & Stacy Campbell, Stormie Omartian, many others.
*Favorite Christian books? Other than the Bible (KJV or NKJV), there are too many to list
*Favorite Christian speaker/pastor? Pastor: Tim Maus (our pastor); Speakers: Patricia King, Wesley Campbell, James McDonald, Brad Jursak, Jeff Burke
*How many times a week do you attend church? 1
*What roles do you fill at your local church? I am co-host of a community-wide scrapbook/stamp ministry that meets at our church twice a month.
*Favorite scriptures? Jer 29:11-13; 32:27; Heb 11:1; James 5:20, Isaiah 61; most of the Psalms & Proverbs, many others
*Favorite daily devotional? Not using one at the moment...
*What do you think you'll say to Jesus the first time you see Him in heaven? I'll be too choked up to say anything at first... get teary-eyed even now, just thinking about it...
*If you could meet someone from the bible (besides Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit), who would you pick and why? Is it really possible to choose one person?! Thankfully, we'll have an eternity to meet everyone - topping my list, I think, would be Mary, the mother Christ and Eve. Mary, because I would love to know what she thought and how she felt, raising the Messiah - she could fill in those "missing years" between the ages of 12 and 30. I'd also ask her if she realized, while watching her precious baby boy hanging there on that cross, that He would soon be resurrected and then ascend to the Father. How did GOD speak to her during those times? Eve, because I would like to know what it was like to be the first woman in existance. What was her relationship with the Father like? What was it like to be married and never have an arguement? I'd also like to know her thoughts after the fall and their banishment from Eden - did she and Adam ever blame one another for their consequences? Did they still have communication with GOD? What was it like to be pregnant for the first time and not have another woman to talk things over with? Did she understand what was happening to her body when the baby was growing inside her?
*In five words, describe what you think heaven will be like... Colorful, Exciting, Glorious, Enlightening -- HOME
*When you get to heaven, which former humans do you want to see first? My Mom, my Gramma Mary & my grandbabies... and my Dad, if he passes on before I do
*What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the church today? Hardened hearts, spiritual apathy, spiritual ignorance (I'm speaking of professing Believers, not the unsaved...)
*What is your biggest challenge or temptation? Dying to self. IE: procrastination; unimportant busy-ness, selfishness
*What would you say God is calling you to do within the body? I know I have the gift of encouragement and I try to use this whenever possible. I'm also pretty certain I have been called to intercession, but I am not very diligent in my prayer life. I would love to have a weekly Bible study or small home group in our home.
*Best piece of Christian advice you've heard latley? That He is Good and the Coolest**
*Prayer request today? That my Husband, our children and I will walk in the direction He leads us in; that we daily choose to remain in His will.
LiC ~
**my son Matthew typed in the response to "Best piece of Christian advice..." - I am blessed by his answer!
*What's your preference...hymns or modern worship music? There are certain hymns that I adore (How Great Thou Art, Amazing Grace, etc), but as a steady diet, the current praise & worship and contemporary Christian music is what I prefer best.
*Favorite Christian artists? Many of them: Newsboys. Chris Tomlin, Jeremy Camp, Matthew West, Mercy Me, Third Day, Casting Crowns, Todd Agnew, Nichole Nordeman, Natalie many others.
*List your top 5 favorite songs. How Great is Our GOD (Chris Tomlin); Grace Like Rain (Todd Agnew); More (Matthew West); I Can Only Imagine (Mercy Me); It Is You (Newsboys)
*What's the hardest lesson God has taught you? Apart from Him, I am nothing (I'm actually very thankful about that, but there are times when I *forget* and try to handle life my own way...)
*Who has been your greatest Christian mentor? My Gramma Mary; my Sisters-in-Christ
*List a quality of your mentor that you'd most like to emulate... Well, Christ-like characteristics, of course -- peace, patience, kindness, unconditional love, humility, graciousness; a meek & quiet spirit; diligence in intercessory prayer
*Favorite Christian authors? Fiction: Angela Hunt, Lori Wick, Francine Rivers, Janette Oke, Frank Peretti, Randy Alcorn, many others. Non-fiction: James Dobson, Gary Smalley, Chuck Pierce, Patricia King, Brad Jursak, Wesley & Stacy Campbell, Stormie Omartian, many others.
*Favorite Christian books? Other than the Bible (KJV or NKJV), there are too many to list
*Favorite Christian speaker/pastor? Pastor: Tim Maus (our pastor); Speakers: Patricia King, Wesley Campbell, James McDonald, Brad Jursak, Jeff Burke
*How many times a week do you attend church? 1
*What roles do you fill at your local church? I am co-host of a community-wide scrapbook/stamp ministry that meets at our church twice a month.
*Favorite scriptures? Jer 29:11-13; 32:27; Heb 11:1; James 5:20, Isaiah 61; most of the Psalms & Proverbs, many others
*Favorite daily devotional? Not using one at the moment...
*What do you think you'll say to Jesus the first time you see Him in heaven? I'll be too choked up to say anything at first... get teary-eyed even now, just thinking about it...
*If you could meet someone from the bible (besides Christ, God, and the Holy Spirit), who would you pick and why? Is it really possible to choose one person?! Thankfully, we'll have an eternity to meet everyone - topping my list, I think, would be Mary, the mother Christ and Eve. Mary, because I would love to know what she thought and how she felt, raising the Messiah - she could fill in those "missing years" between the ages of 12 and 30. I'd also ask her if she realized, while watching her precious baby boy hanging there on that cross, that He would soon be resurrected and then ascend to the Father. How did GOD speak to her during those times? Eve, because I would like to know what it was like to be the first woman in existance. What was her relationship with the Father like? What was it like to be married and never have an arguement? I'd also like to know her thoughts after the fall and their banishment from Eden - did she and Adam ever blame one another for their consequences? Did they still have communication with GOD? What was it like to be pregnant for the first time and not have another woman to talk things over with? Did she understand what was happening to her body when the baby was growing inside her?
*In five words, describe what you think heaven will be like... Colorful, Exciting, Glorious, Enlightening -- HOME
*When you get to heaven, which former humans do you want to see first? My Mom, my Gramma Mary & my grandbabies... and my Dad, if he passes on before I do
*What do you think are the biggest challenges facing the church today? Hardened hearts, spiritual apathy, spiritual ignorance (I'm speaking of professing Believers, not the unsaved...)
*What is your biggest challenge or temptation? Dying to self. IE: procrastination; unimportant busy-ness, selfishness
*What would you say God is calling you to do within the body? I know I have the gift of encouragement and I try to use this whenever possible. I'm also pretty certain I have been called to intercession, but I am not very diligent in my prayer life. I would love to have a weekly Bible study or small home group in our home.
*Best piece of Christian advice you've heard latley? That He is Good and the Coolest**
*Prayer request today? That my Husband, our children and I will walk in the direction He leads us in; that we daily choose to remain in His will.
LiC ~
**my son Matthew typed in the response to "Best piece of Christian advice..." - I am blessed by his answer!
How GOD Speaks (to me...)
Currently, we are down to one vehicle (not counting the work trucks) because my Blazer has issues. Consequently, whenever I need to run an errand or head into town to visit w/my Dad, I must wait until there is an available vehicle for me to use. I will get to use either Rog's truck or our son J's truck - this is usually not a problem, for which I am thankful. But, on those occasions when I am unable to use either one, I sometimes get frustrated.
My Dad, bless his heart, has been wanting to buy a new vehicle for himself -- but since he hasn't driven for well over a year, he would allow me to use it in his stead. Very sweet. A few times recently, he has found SUVs for sale on-line or advertised in local commercials and has asked Rog if he thinks they are worth the value. My precious Husband - keeping Dad's best interests in mind - tells him that although these *deals* sound very good, most likely they are not. When Dad explains that he's wanting to find a vehicle for me to use, Rog says that we will be getting the Blazer fixed eventually and that Dad shouldn't be spending his $$ unnecessarily. "Eventually" is a relative term. We do know someone who is willing to come fix my car, but he hasn't had the time to do so in the month or more since it's been disabled. And he has no idea when, exactly, he will have the time -- but he is willing.
So...spoiled child that I am, I have been feeling resentful that Rog has not encouraged Dad to purchase a new vehicle. Today - and here I am finally getting around to the reason for my title - I asked GOD what logical reason does Rog have for his decision? Is it a form of control (I don't believe it is)? Is it male pride ("If anyone is going to provide for my wife, it'll be ME")? I don't think that's it, either. So, as I pondered and waited on His answer, I was gently reminded by the Holy Spirit about the "Leave & Cleave" message we learned at the WTR conference last weekend -- we are commanded to leave mother and father and to cleave to one another in our marriage (and also to become one flesh, but that isn't the issue here). It was explained to us that "leaving and cleaving" means, essentially, to break all bonds of dependence upon our parents and cling to or be inter-dependent upon, our mate. Given that, I understood that GOD was telling me that I am no longer to rely on my Dad to meet my needs (transportation), but that it is my Husband's responsibility to do so. It was one of those "Ah-ha!" moments. Looking at the issue with godly understanding, I am not so frustrated and resentful as I was.
That's how He often speaks to me - with that gentle, quiet voice bringing up lessons I've learned or messages I've heard or truths I've read. It amazes me every time, when I hear Him communicating with me, Spirit-to-spirit. It shouldn't, really, but it does. To think that the Creator of the entire universe cares enough about me, that He would take the time to whisper in my ear His instructions and reminders and exhortations and correction. It's one of the things I love best about Him - this genuine interest in what is best for me and His willingness to speak to me about it. He speaks words of love to me as well - especially when I'm feeling unimportant or unnecessary. I still need to work on hearing His voice whenever He speaks - sometimes I'm too busy or too involved with *self* to take notice. But when I do hear Him and the glorious things He has to say to me... what a joyful, blessed and secure thing it is!
LiC ~
My Dad, bless his heart, has been wanting to buy a new vehicle for himself -- but since he hasn't driven for well over a year, he would allow me to use it in his stead. Very sweet. A few times recently, he has found SUVs for sale on-line or advertised in local commercials and has asked Rog if he thinks they are worth the value. My precious Husband - keeping Dad's best interests in mind - tells him that although these *deals* sound very good, most likely they are not. When Dad explains that he's wanting to find a vehicle for me to use, Rog says that we will be getting the Blazer fixed eventually and that Dad shouldn't be spending his $$ unnecessarily. "Eventually" is a relative term. We do know someone who is willing to come fix my car, but he hasn't had the time to do so in the month or more since it's been disabled. And he has no idea when, exactly, he will have the time -- but he is willing.
So...spoiled child that I am, I have been feeling resentful that Rog has not encouraged Dad to purchase a new vehicle. Today - and here I am finally getting around to the reason for my title - I asked GOD what logical reason does Rog have for his decision? Is it a form of control (I don't believe it is)? Is it male pride ("If anyone is going to provide for my wife, it'll be ME")? I don't think that's it, either. So, as I pondered and waited on His answer, I was gently reminded by the Holy Spirit about the "Leave & Cleave" message we learned at the WTR conference last weekend -- we are commanded to leave mother and father and to cleave to one another in our marriage (and also to become one flesh, but that isn't the issue here). It was explained to us that "leaving and cleaving" means, essentially, to break all bonds of dependence upon our parents and cling to or be inter-dependent upon, our mate. Given that, I understood that GOD was telling me that I am no longer to rely on my Dad to meet my needs (transportation), but that it is my Husband's responsibility to do so. It was one of those "Ah-ha!" moments. Looking at the issue with godly understanding, I am not so frustrated and resentful as I was.
That's how He often speaks to me - with that gentle, quiet voice bringing up lessons I've learned or messages I've heard or truths I've read. It amazes me every time, when I hear Him communicating with me, Spirit-to-spirit. It shouldn't, really, but it does. To think that the Creator of the entire universe cares enough about me, that He would take the time to whisper in my ear His instructions and reminders and exhortations and correction. It's one of the things I love best about Him - this genuine interest in what is best for me and His willingness to speak to me about it. He speaks words of love to me as well - especially when I'm feeling unimportant or unnecessary. I still need to work on hearing His voice whenever He speaks - sometimes I'm too busy or too involved with *self* to take notice. But when I do hear Him and the glorious things He has to say to me... what a joyful, blessed and secure thing it is!
LiC ~
Friday, March 31, 2006
We have WiFi :)! Rog just set it up here at home. Now, I won't have to be trailing around a 50' phone cord whenever I want to use my laptop to get on-line... and Rog and I won't have to take turns using the internet. And people will actually be able to reach us on the house phone. Way COOL :)! Thanks, Baby -- and thank You, Lord, for the technology of wireless internet!
LiC ~
LiC ~
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Life is...
Life is a journey. As a Christian, I have come to realize that this earth is not my home – I’m only passing through.
Like vacations we take in this lifetime, we experience seasons of joy and laughter, seasons of frustration and disappointment… We can see new sights and learn new customs… But as much as we enjoy our times of discovery and adventure, something in our hearts tugs us toward “home.” And aren’t we glad to return home after a long, full trip?
I know for me, personally, as much as I enjoy traveling to Seattle or Colorado or Las Vegas or Hawaii, I always breathe a sigh of relief and utter a prayer of thanks as we pull into our driveway. A sense of contentment washes over me and I am ready to get back into my regular routine.
On this journey called “Life” – as enjoyable and exciting as it sometimes is – something in my heart longs for Home… My true home in Heaven, where there is a mansion with my name on it! I’ve seen this home many times over the years, deep in my heart... As mansions go, it’s not grand at all – certainly not by the world’s standards. The Heavenly Home I “see” is humble and cozy and rustic… It is a smallish log cabin, built on a bluff that looks out over the ocean and sandy beach below and is surrounded on three sides by towering, fragrant pine trees and majestic snow-capped mountains. I can hear the pleasing cry of the gulls and the pounding waves against the shore – the melodious birdsong in the forest and the gentle whisper of the breeze in the treetops… There is a small expanse of green grass and moss that covers the space between my front door and the edge of the bluff and a dozen varieties of wildflowers grow in clusters along the soft dirt path.
I’ve never seen this little home with my physical eyes, but in my heart, it’s a place I am homesick for… It’s the place I will find eternal joy, love, peace and contentment when my journey through this life is at an end.
I can hardly wait to get home.
Like vacations we take in this lifetime, we experience seasons of joy and laughter, seasons of frustration and disappointment… We can see new sights and learn new customs… But as much as we enjoy our times of discovery and adventure, something in our hearts tugs us toward “home.” And aren’t we glad to return home after a long, full trip?
I know for me, personally, as much as I enjoy traveling to Seattle or Colorado or Las Vegas or Hawaii, I always breathe a sigh of relief and utter a prayer of thanks as we pull into our driveway. A sense of contentment washes over me and I am ready to get back into my regular routine.
On this journey called “Life” – as enjoyable and exciting as it sometimes is – something in my heart longs for Home… My true home in Heaven, where there is a mansion with my name on it! I’ve seen this home many times over the years, deep in my heart... As mansions go, it’s not grand at all – certainly not by the world’s standards. The Heavenly Home I “see” is humble and cozy and rustic… It is a smallish log cabin, built on a bluff that looks out over the ocean and sandy beach below and is surrounded on three sides by towering, fragrant pine trees and majestic snow-capped mountains. I can hear the pleasing cry of the gulls and the pounding waves against the shore – the melodious birdsong in the forest and the gentle whisper of the breeze in the treetops… There is a small expanse of green grass and moss that covers the space between my front door and the edge of the bluff and a dozen varieties of wildflowers grow in clusters along the soft dirt path.
I’ve never seen this little home with my physical eyes, but in my heart, it’s a place I am homesick for… It’s the place I will find eternal joy, love, peace and contentment when my journey through this life is at an end.
I can hardly wait to get home.
Sunday, March 26, 2006
A Weekend to Remember
So, Rog and I spent the weekend at a Family Life “Weekend to Remember” conference at the Sheraton Hotel in Anchorage, from 6:30 Friday evening till 4:30 this afternoon. This was our first experience with a Family Life conference and I pray there will be more to follow. It was a wonderful, blessed time. It was a time of instruction, discovery, understanding, hope, reaffirmation and love. And fun! The speakers – Alan Hlavka and Barry & Pam Abell – were entertaining as well as informative. There were times of audience participation, times of reflection, times of laughter and times of tears. We were challenged and stretched; exhorted and encouraged; prayed for and loved.
All through the classes, we followed along in our own workbooks and, at the end each chapter, there was a homework or “project” section to work through individually and together, for the purpose of reinforcing the lessons learned in that chapter, and to help us begin to “live in” – or put into practice - those things which we had learned. It was great! Rog and I sat together and did our individual homework, then discussed the “couples application” portion. Because we could talk about these various topics in a non-confrontational, non-threatening environment, we actually listened to what the other one had to say. We were blessed. One of the activities that we did individually, then shared together later was to write a love letter. I know my Husband loves me, but to see his heart written out on paper, where I can turn to it for reassurance and a reminder of how much he truly does love me…it’s priceless. At the very end of the conference we were encouraged to fill out a form expressing how we felt about the weekend, the speakers, the hotel, etc. One of the questions asked was, “How do you feel that this Weekend to Remember Conference has impacted the relationship between you and your spouse?" My Beloved’s answer was, “Beyond measure.”
One thing I neglected to mention – Roggie surprised me with this weekend getaway. When it was first mentioned at church in mid February, the Holy Spirit directed me not to say anything to Rog about it. I didn’t make any little noises, didn’t nudge him in the ribs – didn’t even look in his direction. I just prayed, “Lord, if this is something You want the two of us to attend and experience, please make it happen.” He did!
Thank you, Jesus.
All through the classes, we followed along in our own workbooks and, at the end each chapter, there was a homework or “project” section to work through individually and together, for the purpose of reinforcing the lessons learned in that chapter, and to help us begin to “live in” – or put into practice - those things which we had learned. It was great! Rog and I sat together and did our individual homework, then discussed the “couples application” portion. Because we could talk about these various topics in a non-confrontational, non-threatening environment, we actually listened to what the other one had to say. We were blessed. One of the activities that we did individually, then shared together later was to write a love letter. I know my Husband loves me, but to see his heart written out on paper, where I can turn to it for reassurance and a reminder of how much he truly does love me…it’s priceless. At the very end of the conference we were encouraged to fill out a form expressing how we felt about the weekend, the speakers, the hotel, etc. One of the questions asked was, “How do you feel that this Weekend to Remember Conference has impacted the relationship between you and your spouse?" My Beloved’s answer was, “Beyond measure.”
One thing I neglected to mention – Roggie surprised me with this weekend getaway. When it was first mentioned at church in mid February, the Holy Spirit directed me not to say anything to Rog about it. I didn’t make any little noises, didn’t nudge him in the ribs – didn’t even look in his direction. I just prayed, “Lord, if this is something You want the two of us to attend and experience, please make it happen.” He did!
Thank you, Jesus.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Bible Study
How about that? Two posts in one day :)!
One of my favorite things to do is Bible Study. I love to read through the history of the world from a biblical perspective and what better place to learn from than the Holy Scriptures themselves? Also, by reading GOD's Word, I am able to learn more about my Lord - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - and more about myself and who I am in Christ.
Given that, why is it I have such a hard time picking up the Bible and really settling down to read and study it? One of the best ways to truly discover Who GOD is and how He operates in my life, is to dig deep into the richness of His Word. Surface reading alone is not enough. I am currently involved in a Bible study program with a few Christian sisters (locally and via e-mail) and, when we are together and discussing the new insights and interesting questions, it is a very enjoyable and blessed time of learning and fellowship. When I'm at home and on my own, however, I read through the assigned book infrequently. Mostly because I spend too much time on this silly laptop (for which I am thankful, truly)!
To help me get the most out of my study time, I recently purchased four books that were highly receommended by a couple of the ladies in our group. The first book is Living by the Book by Howard G Hendricks and William D Hendricks. This book asks the question, "Why is it important for me to study the Bible?" Because A) it is essential to growth, B) it is essential to spiritual maturity and C) it is essential to spiritual effectiveness. Living by he Book explains that you need to "learn how to read," and gives you the tools to do it. Three important points I've learned so far are: 1) Observation - "what do I see?" 2) Interpretation - "what does it mean?" and 3) Application - "how does it work?" Once I begin to read the Scriptures with these points in mind, a whole new level of understanding will be opened to me and I will have a more complete view of Who GOD is and who I am in Him.
The second book is titled, Interpreting the Symbols and Types by Kevin J Conner. I just got this one last night in the mail, so have only glanced through it so far, but I can tell it will be a very useful book! Some of the chapters: The Language of the Symbol; Symbolic Objects; Symbolic Creatures; Symbols in the Tabernacle of Moses and many more. For example, the phrase, "palm tree" symbolizes Victory (Ps 92:12, John 12:13) -- when I learned this, the Holy Spirit spoke to me saying, "When you are in the palm of My hand, you are in a place of victory." This was a new insight for me and only came about because I had discovered the spiritual meaning for the word palm. I look forward to using this book in my studies!
The third book is called Biblical Mathematics - Keys to Scripture Numerics by Evangelist Ed F Vallowe. Although written in textbook style, this little book is also a very interesting one. In his Forward, the author writes, "One out of every five Scriptures in the Bible contains a number. Numbers are important to having a working knowledge of the Bible. The numerical structure is found everywhere in the Scritpures." Chapters include: God's Designing Hand Seen in Numbers; Numbers are the Secret Code of God's Word; One - Unity; Two - Union, Division, Witnessing; Sixty-Six - Idol Worship; One Hundred Forty-Four - The Spirit-Guided Life. By using Biblical Mathematics, I gain a better understanding of what GOD is saying to me in His Word -- numbers and digits in a given passage of Scripture is more than meets the eye. There is a prophetic message there as well, if I will only take the time and make the effort to search it out.
The fourth book is called The Exhaustive Dictionary of Bible Names by Drs Judson Cornwall and Stelman Smith. In the Preface, it states, "Every Bible name has a meaning. So much so, that sometimes when God changed the nature of a person He also changed his or her name. For example, when Abram believed God's promise of a son, God changed his name to Abraham and changed his wife's name from Sarai to Sarah. Years later, after the angel of the Lord had wrestled with him all night, Jacob's name was changed to Israel." There are no specific chapters in this book, although there is a section with a list of the names of God, the titles for Jesus, the Jewish calendar and descriptions of the stones used in the breastplate of the Old Testament priest (and how they relate to the heavenly City). The names covered in this book are not only of all the people in the Bible, but also place names. I believe this will be an excellent resource for discovering more of God's truths and character. It also deals with the prophetic.
So... Having each of these books handy while I slowly dig into the rich soil that is the Word of GOD, I have faith that my spiritual roots will reach down into the foundation of His Truths and will cause me to grow tall and blossom brightly with my face toward the Son.
LiC ~
One More Time...
Okay, here we go again! Will do my best to keep up with my personal blog. I have another one at a scrapbook site and have only posted in it thrice... Would like to post photos here, so will try to figure out how to do that...
LiC ~
LiC ~
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