At church yesterday, someone had a word from the Lord in relation to the stone that was rolled away from Christ's tomb: Just as the Light and Power was released from the tomb upon the removal of the stone, so must we roll away the stone that covers our heart and release the Light and Power of the Holy Spirit to come forth. Shortly after hearing this, the Lord gave me an impression.
I see a small bubbling brook, water flowing down over the rocks and boulders. The water is clean and clear and sweet - my viewpoint is that of a mouse -- eye level with the ground, almost. I look up and the tall, tall pines, towering above me -- mighty and strong and pointing to His glory. As I observe the brook, I hear the Spirit say, "Let My Living Water roll those stones away... the boulders that cover your heart as Marita spoke of will be washed away by the Water... there will be a loosening - there will be a trembling, as the rock becomes dislogded from its anchor... the smaller stones will move away easily, but the larger ones will only be moved by a rushing river... Free yourself up, Child - don't let the old man, the old habits, become the sludge that prevents the stones from moving... let the force of My Living Water dislodge, wash over and roll it away..."
On that last day, that great day of the feast, JESUS stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his innermost being will flow rivers of Living Water." ...this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believeing in Him would receive..." John 7:37-39a
LiC ~ kim
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