Lord, I love You so very much... Your mercy and love for me - and for mankind - is amazing... Your heart is so deep and full of goodness and mercy -- the things You've given us are filled with Your glory... The mountains, the sea -- the sunsets and sunrises -- the thunderstorms and the rainbows -- music and laughter -- animals to love and care for -- our mates and our children -- family and friends... Best of all, Lord - You have saved me from an eternity without You. Just my existance is a miracle. You chose me to be born! Is it any wonder why I love You? You chased me until I caught You...
Thank You, Lord - for Your love, for Your salvation, for my life...
Daughter - come sit here on My lap and let Me hold you close... you are My treasure and the apple of My eye... My heart lept for joy when you found Me and answered My call... As you dig deeper into My Word and seek a richer relationship with Me, it blesses My heart and fills Me with love... Do not keep yourself closed off from Me, Child - all I have is yours - ever so much more than you can imagine. I want to give you everything - but you need to be open enough to receive it...